Zaporizhstal Records entered Ukrainian Records Book

Zaporizhstal became the best Ukrainian enterprise by version of European fund for quality management

Zaporizhstal one third raised tax payments for 10 months 2018.

In Zaporizhstal Half Marathon 2018 over 1700 runners took part

Zaporizhstal impressed with its scales President of Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine

Zaporizhstal implemented a number of scientific projects of Zaporozhye inventors to the Day of the River Dnieper

Zaporizhstal became a brainstorm range for young metallurgists

Sweden’s Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Hagström: Zaporizhstal moves towards ecological modernization like European companies do”

Zaporizhstal Presented the Experience of Using Advanced BIM-Technologies in the Environmental Reconstruction of the Steel Works

100 Zaporizhzhia Schoolchildren Passed the Ekoquest on Khortitsa According to the Program “Save the Dnipro Together!”
