Life and Work – Online

Metinvest managed to arrange a competent transition for remote work and it continues to develop digital communications.

Convenient assistants

Today, it is important not only to inform employees, but also to create services, that allow them to solve work problems, develop and learn in a remote mode. The Metinvest this issue be addressed comprehensively by means of created an internal portal that brings together all the group companies, including the “Zaporizhstal”, and convenient mobile application My Metinvest. 

This year, an internal corporate social network Yammer was introduced for communication and exchange of experience and an electronic digest “Territory of Health” is published weekly.

The portal publishes photos and news of our plant. Moreover, in order for the news of the life of the enterprise and its employees always to be at hand, “Zaporizhstal” team actively maintains official pages on Facebook, Instagram and channels on YouTube and Telegram. You can find QR codes on them on page 12. Social networks at time of remote work has become an excellent tool for maintaining the corporate spirit and a certain socialization of employees.

Even in the past, face-to-face meetings, which today take place at “Zaporizhstal” in Teams, have become a tradition that brings a smile and joy from the opportunity to hear the voices of colleagues and see them.

With the launch of digital solutions, the company has increased the efficiency of communications, the convenience of employees and, as a result, the level of involvement. During the quarantine period, the number of users of digital tools has grown more than fivefold.

“While everyone is at home”

To make working from home efficient, Metinvest launched a special online marathon “While everyone is at Home”. Practical advice and recommendations for organizing teleworking have become an excellent help for tens of thousands of workers. The new format turned out to be so successful for the company that in Metinvest they took up the development of projects that would allow the team to work in a flexible format in the future, namely remote and partially remote.

The online project did away with rigid disciplines. Nevertheless, with useful lessons on adapting to a remote work mode, developing useful skills and habits, and motivation to overcome the difficulties arising in the new environment, the online project helped thousands of employees during the pandemic.
