Education through Respect for the Individuality of Kid: Pavilion for Classes on the Waldorf Method Was Opened in Zaporizhzhia City

0% Alcohol And 100% Music. In the Park “Dubovyi Gai” Was Held a Festival “Rock Against Alcoholism”

Dandelion Jam, Chocolate Cheese and Fruit Bouquets: V All-Ukrainian Festival of Preservation Was Held In Zaporizhzhia City

The First in the Country “School of Humor” Was Opened In Zaporizhzhia City

New Art Gallery Was Opened in Zaporizhzhia City

In the Center for Child Development, “Hope” was Created Its Own “Disneyland”

In Zaporizhzhia City Met Autumn with a Large-Scale Music Festival

Zaporizhzhia Schoolchildren and Students will Create Together “The Legends of Zaporizhzhia Territory”

In search of Treasures: a Summer Camp of Archeology was Opened on the Khortitsa Island

The Knowledge Which Will Save a Life
