On July 18 Ukraine celebrated one of the main professional holidays — Day of workers of the metallurgical and mining industry which is one of the basic strategic branches of economy in our country.

In connection with the professional holiday the government of Ukraine, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the trade union of metallurgists and miners, and also the Presidium of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine have awarded a large group of workers of the branch of industry. They were presented with honorary awards at the meetings which held on the eve of the holiday. At the solemn meeting held in the Palace of Culture of metallurgists Zaporizhstal employees greeted the Chairman of the Board V.A. Satskiy, the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of Zaporizhstal JSC L.A. Bezlepkin, the HR & Social Aspects Director V.D. Khelemendick, representatives of the regional and city authorities with a storm of applause.

Addressing the metallurgists of the Works with congratulations Vitaliy Antonovich Satskiy stressed that Zaporizhstal makes a worthy contribution to the development of national economy, and its workers have written many bright pages in the city, region and country history. In its turn the administration does everything in order that the work of metallurgists has become more efficient and attractive. For this purpose a big social program and a program of technical modernization and reconstruction of Zaporizhstal have been worked out and are being put into practice.

Vitaly Antonovich Satskiy thanked the Zaporizhstal workers for their inspirational and conscientious work, wished them and the members of their families, sound health, success and well-being.

– Zaporozhye has a powerful metallurgical heart — Zaporizhstal, — said, welcoming the employees of the Works, the vice-president of the regional state administration N.A. Yarmoshchuk.

Having thanked the Zaporizhstal workers for their fruitful work and their concern for the townsfolk, he underlined that thanks to Zaporizhstal kindergartens, recreation centers, a sanatorium-dispensary and a wonderful Palace of Culture are functioning in the city. The inhabitants of several city districts are supplied with hot water which also feeds the heating systems.

The vice-president of the regional council L.A. Anisimov and the assistant of the mayor V.F. Grishchenko told the participants of the meeting about the huge contribution of Zaporizhstal metallurgists and personally V.A. Satskiy to the development of the Zaporozhye region, the city and the Zavodskiy area.

Representatives of the regional and city authorities, and also the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee L.A. Bezlepkin and the HR & General Aspects Director V.D. Khelemendick have awarded to a big group of Zaporizhstal workers. Amateur actors from the Palace of Culture of metallurgists presented a celebratory concert to all those present at the evening party.

Awards to the Day of Metallurgist

In honour of the professional holiday the Chairman of Board of Zaporizhstal JSC V.A. Satskiy in his order has given directions to pay an award of 1 000 UAH to the Zaporizhstal workers, who have achieved the best results in their work. Everyone will receive 100 UAH as additional payment to their July salary payment.

A separate “thanks!” to the veterans

On the eve of the celebration of the Day of Metallurgist Zaporizhstal workers have paid special attention to the veterans who, because of their illness, are bedridden. Volunteers of the Council of Veterans have visited all the bedridden patients at home, and also those, who on the eve of the holiday, were in the city hospitals. All the 5474 veterans registered in the Council of Veterans have received from the Works the traditional quarterly addition to their pension salary 150 UAH, and 50 UAH of material aid to the holiday. These payments are foreseen by the collective agreement.
