“Free Time” For Residents of Kommunarskyi District

Residents of the Kommunarskyi district have a territory for creative work, free of charge and for the whole family. Thanks to the victory in the competition “We Are the City”, the family club “Free time” was opened on the basis of the branch of the regional center for youth and schoolchildren “Burevestnik”.

Now every Saturday in “Burevestnik” there are thematic workshops, contests, trainings, creative evenings and just warm meetings. The initiative called “Free time” was implemented thanks to the victory in the competition “We Are the City”. With grant funds, they bought furniture, materials for master classes, educational games, an easel, a projector and everything else necessary for productive classes.

Alena Tsyganok, author of the project:

“It all started last year. There was an idea to start working not only with children, but also with parents, to move to another level. However, we lacked comfort. We wanted a more modern atmosphere that was open and enjoyable”.

Teachers invite everyone to “Burevestnik” (23, Chumachenko Str.): both parents and children over 5 years old. They say that with the help of such creative meetings they want to raise fine and decorative art to a new level, unite generations and give an opportunity to learn new things not only for children but also for adults.
