The 3rd Selection Round of the 5th Jubilee Open Cup of “Zaporizhstal” PJSC on Sport Fishing was Held

Near Zaporozhye in Novogupalovka village the third qualifying round of the 5th anniversary Open Cup of PJSC “Zaporizhstal” for sport fishing have passed. The fans to toss the fishing pole enthusiastically responded to the invitation of the organizers to participate in the event.

As the head of the youth organization of Zaporizhstal Works Sergei Ilchenko said, this year more than 50 fishermen participated in the competition – representatives of various industrial enterprises.

– This year, two companies joined us – Zaporozhye Foundry and Mechanical Plant and guests from Mariupol – Azovstal. Thus, the number of participating enterprises has increased to seven: Zaporizhstal, Zaporozhogneupor, Zaporozhkoks, Dneprospetsstal, Zaporozhye Foundry and Mechanical Plant, Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Integrated Works (Dneprorudny), and Azovstal, – informed Sergei Ilchenko.

Each team was fishing in its sector on one hook. Competitions started at 7.30 and lasted until 14.00. As a result, the first place – for fishermen from the Shop of Metallurgical Furnaces Maintenance. Sergei Beloshitsky and Danil Kozhemyaka both caught 1.6 kg of fish. The second place with the result of 0.8 kg – the employees of the Railway Transport Management  Eugeniy Maksak and Vladimir Grushko. The third place – a steel smelter Alexander Ivanisov and worker of UAT Vladimir Chekerdes with a take of fish 0.6 kg.

Teams-finalists were defined, and the final of competitions was planned for September. All participants received certificates and prizes. The winners in the nomination “the smallest fish” and “big fish” were also chosen.
