Due to the construction of an installation for PCI into blast furnaces and the increase of freight traffic passing through station “Aglofabrika”, a necessity has occurred to reconstruct the system of remote control of track switches and signals. At present the existing system of electric centralization does not fully provide traffic safety during train movement and shunting jobs. After commissioning the installation for PCI it will not be able to cope with the required volume of transportations, hence a decision was taken to replace it by an essentially new control system of train movement on the basis of microprocessor techniques.
In 2009 “Ukrgipromez” executed a project on microprocessor centralization of 15 track switches. A tender for equipment delivery will be held soon. The railway men have already constructed a new building for the electric centralization station on their own. All the conditions for comfortable work of the station duty personnel will be created. In 2011 all the jobs are planned to be accomplished.
Introduction of microprocessor centralization and track control devices on the basis of the number of rolling stock axles will allow to considerably reduce the expenses on the service of railway automatic devices. The person on duty at station “Aglofabrika” will have an opportunity to supervise the work of locomotive and yard conductor teams and the condition of signaling floor equipment not only visually but also by using computers, improving freight transportation safety at the Works.