At the beginning of the month blast furnace operators of Zaporizhstal JSC had an acute shortage of coke which immediately affected the pig iron production indices. If in July the daily average production of pig iron amounted to 10 132 tons, at present it is an average of 9000 tons (9806 tons was planned). There’s a shortage of 600-700 tons of coke per day which is needed to fulfill the plan. “Zaporozhkoks” is failing to deliver the required quantity. The main reason is the absence of coal.

Due to the existing situation at the Works it has been decided to shift the planned repairs of the blast furnaces to an earlier period. On Monday, 4 August, blast furnace No. 5 was shut down for repair for 24 hours and on Thursday, 7 August, blast furnace No.4.

Apart from traditional work the installation of repair coolers will also be carried out, providing operation of a reliable cooling system. They will be in service till the end of capital repair, which is planned for the end of the current year and beginning of next year.
