“Ukrtelecom” cable was cut off on the street Sedova on the night of 13 to 14 of June. Now ambulance crews are operating normally, dispatcher’s office receives calls, but at that time in the city, number 103 was not working during seven hours. The chief engineer of “Zaporizhstal” Vladimir Buriak came to Zaporozhye medical station of emergency medical treatment in order to offer a solution to this issue and personally understand the causes and consequences of this emergency situation.

In order not to have again ambulance suddenly unavailable in the present conditions, Vladimir Buriak proposed solution of problem – the project of a new dispatcher’s office provides new input of two completely different lines from two subexchanges. The object at Artema, 54 visually is ready. The work here began in 2013, but today the center is still out-of-operation. The important thing for the city stopped due to the fault of officials, promised budget money has not been received. The “Zaporizhstal” team fulfilled their obligations such as reconstruction of buildings and replacement of all communications. The next step rests with officials – affirms Vladimir Buriak.

“For the moment, the missing part – hardware and software system that will allow to complete construction, is about UAH 6 million measured in April 2015”, – said the director of Regional Center for Emergency Medical Treatment Konstantin Malashenko.

The work of a new dispatcher’s office will significantly reduce arrival time of a car. That means the rendering of help quality to the residents of the entire region, and not only of regional center, will reach a new level. Development engineers promise in 2-3 months put into operation a new dispatcher’s office if officials will find missing 6 million in any of the budgets for solving this problem. By joint efforts it was managed to upgrade the fleet of ambulance cars and install in every car police call-button.
