A Foster Family Rescue School Opened in Zaporizhzhia

The Association of Foster Families of the Zaporozhye Region won a grant in the social initiative “We are the City” for opening a school for adoptive parents and their children.

The foster family school is a series of trainings for families in which foster children are brought up. Those trainings should help families adapt and discuss all problematic issues.

10 families from Zaporizhzhia, Energodar came to the training. Also from Orekhovsky, Berdyansky, Veselovsky, Chernihivsky, Melitopolsky, Priazovsky, Mikhailovsky and Volnyansky districts. In total – 16 parents and 31 children.

– I have been working with foster families for 11 years and I see that foster families lack the moral support, especially in remote areas,” says project coordinator Anna Andreyeva. – And our project aims to organize mutual aid groups. Thanks to the jury of the contest “We are the City”, which supported our project. Without this, the implementation of the Foster Family Rescue School would have been impossible. After all, you need to pay for travel, accommodation, meals for school participants for three days. Take the kids. Pay for the work of a highly qualified trainer. Our association has existed since last August, and this is our first grant.
