Фонд Рината Ахметова в сотрудничестве с МОЗ и Ассоциацией анестезиологов провел II онлайн-конференцию для врачей, работающих с аппаратами искусственной вентиляции легких.
This time, the main topic of the three-hour webinar was the new challenges for Ukrainian health care caused by the COVID-19 epidemic and ways to solve them, one of which is the use of artificial lung ventilation devices.
– When Ukraine faced the threat of a pandemic, the state health care system was completely unprepared for the new challenge. There was not enough equipment to help patients with complications from coronavirus – modern ventilators, sample analyzers, as well as protective equipment for doctors and express tests. Rinat Akhmetov was the first to come to the aid of the country. For effective work, the Fund created the project “Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine”, which became part of the “Rinat Akhmetov – Saving Lives” program. The project has no analogues in the country. This is the largest, systematic and large-scale private initiative aimed at helping public health facilities in the fight against coronavirus. A key element of assistance to the country within the framework of Rinat Akhmetov Foundation project “Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine” was the purchase of over 200 state-of-the-art ventilators for state hospitals. After all, it was precisely the ventilators that Ukrainian medicine needed most of all, – said Natalia Yemchenko, member of the Fund Supervisory Board.
– Ukraine, like the whole world, has been fighting the coronavirus for more than six months. The situation remains urgent and critical. And right now we are seeing the so-called second wave. We can only overcome the new challenge together. This is the second webinar held by the Foundation for physicians working with artificial lung ventilation devices. We received a lot of positive feedback from the participants and realized that there was a great demand from doctors to conduct new seminars. The second conference is a continuation of a large educational project for doctors, – noted Yulia Ershova, Director of the Fund Communications Department.
The conference participants stated that the number of cases of coronavirus is increasing throughout the country. As the president of Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine Sergey Dubrov said, people themselves give a reason for this.
– One of the reasons is the reluctance of many Ukrainians to adhere to elementary recommendations: to maintain social distance, to wear masks in public places. Containing the epidemic depends on each of us and everyone needs to understand this. The rapidly growing number of patients with coronavirus can lead to the collapse of the health care system, – Sergey Dubrov explained.
Therefore, the leading experts of the Ministry of Health have shared the most relevant global standards for the treatment of coronavirus. The conference participants paid special attention to the role of artificial lung ventilation devices. According to experts, today the most effective method of non-invasive ventilation. That is, without tracheal intubation. Sergey Dubrov also said the main criteria for transferring a patient with coronavirus to artificial lung ventilation, developed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The experts noted that the combined use of ventilators and drug therapy is effective for treating patients with coronavirus.
– In press and Internet, I come across information that Ukrainian doctors need extracorporeal membrane oxygenation devices to saturate the blood with oxygen, not artificial ventilation. This is nonsense, since even when the patient is transferred to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, he still continues to need protective artificial ventilation of the lungs, – added Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the National Medical University Yuriy Kuchin.
Over 1100 doctors from all regions of Ukraine took part in the IInd online conference. Rinat Akhmetov Foundation held the first webinar for anesthesiologists and personnel of intensive care units of state-owned hospitals in May 2020. More than 800 doctors from all over Ukraine took part in it. According to them, this is a unique opportunity to exchange experiences.
– Thank you very much for conducting online training, thanks to it we managed to obtain a lot of valuable and useful information for our work. We gained new knowledge and adopted the experience of the best specialists in Ukraine”, says Yulia Tokar, doctor in the Myrnohrad infectious diseases hospital.
– The transfer to artificial lung ventilation for severe patients is often the last chance for recovery, therefore, knowledge of all the subtleties and features of respiratory support for a patient allows us to provide the most effective care. Thank you for this seminar, – said another participant of the webinar, doctor from Dnipro, Ksenia Dubovik,
“Fight against COVID-19 in Ukraine” is a large-scale project of the Fund, designed to help the country save lives. It is being implemented under the program of Rinat Akhmetov – Saving Lives Foundation. Earlier, by personal decision of Rinat Akhmetov, the project “200 ambulances for Ukraine” was implemented within the framework of this program. Then, in a record short six months, state medical institutions in all regions received 200 special vehicles with the most modern equipment capable of overcoming off-road conditions. Including 22 cars with artificial lung ventilation devices for newborns. This is the largest contribution of one benefactor to the state medicine of Ukraine for the entire period of independence of our country. Today, many of these ambulances are involved in the fight against the epidemic in all areas.