The key point in the life of any collective is economic performances, particularly during the hard times of recession.

The specific norm for consumption of expenditures per unit of products lies at the bottom of economics. For many years the oxygen converter shop has been working with specific norms 740-760 KWh per 1000 m3 of oxygen. With the introduction of the new air distributing unit VRU-60 the specific norm has reduced to 150 KWh due to the efficient performance of the new installation where practically 100% of oxygen is extracted from air.

However the specific norm depends not only on the work of the oxygen unit. A certain part of the electric power is consumed by the turbo compressors which supply compressed air to the air distributing unit. Another important factor is the economical development of technological regimes and the working process of the whole shop equipment.

In the last quarter of 2009 the average specific norm in the oxygen-compressor shop amounted to 542 KWh per 1000 m3 of oxygen. At such a level of production as of today 1 million 800 000 KWh of energy was consumed previously and 1 million 200 000 KWh per 24 hours today.

This is the best energy indices among allied industries. The whole collective of the shop, particularly, the deputy chief of the shop Yu.L. Akimov, I.N. Golovan’, processing machine operators V.Yu. Grischenko, A.N. Mironenko, compressor operator A.F. Polulyakh, foreman A.A. Zemlyanoy and many others have invested their experience, knowledge and professionalism in the achievements of these industries.
