Implementation of one of the winning projects of the contest “We Are the City”, held by “Zaporizhstal” JSC on an annual basis, continued. This time young artists depicted two angels on the front of Zaporizhzhya Center of Scientific and Technical, and Economic Information.
Authors of the painting say that an image of natural landscape will be added to the painting’s composition. It will either be one of Zaporizhzhya’s landmarks or a free improvisation.
‘The author of the painting is my mentor at art studio Svitlana Strynadkina,’ says Yuliya Zinchenko, an amateur artist and one of the initiators of the project “Housefront as an Artist’s Canvas”. ‘Most sketches were prepared by Strynadkina herself and we chose the best ones. We would like the angels to become a talisman of Zaporizhzhya.
This is a second painting already, that appeared in Zaporizhzhya within the framework of an unusual art project. Previously the artists decorated with a painting a housefront of the house No.1 on Avramenko Street in Shevchenkivskyi district of the city. “Zaporizhstal” Steel Works allocated a grant in the amount of 50 thousand UAH for implementation of these ideas.