«Zaporizhstal» Steel Works organized environmental quest for Zaporozhye pupils


May 16, 2018 pupils of 12 Zaporozhye schools took part in an environmental quest on the island Khortitsa, organized by Zaporizhstal, national reserve Khortitsa and the regional center for tourism and local history.

Ecoquests for Zaporozhye pupils are held since 2012 as part of the public environmental initiative “Save the Dnieper Together!”. Competitions for teams are held in the format of a pedestrian rally: moving along the route of the quest, participants overcome obstacle courses, study biological diversity of the flora and fauna on the island Khortitsa and the River Dnieper.

According to the results of the quest, winning teams were decided. The first place took the pupils from the school № 49, the second place took team from the school № 45, the third place – the school № 42. The winners received a gift from Zaporizhstal audio equipment for the educational process. All participants of the ecoquest received memorable gifts from the Works.

Let us remind that thanks to the implementation of public environmental initiative “Save the Dnieper together!” with the support of Zaporizhstal Steel Works, 630 trees were planted, 30 bird feeders, 30 floating nests and more than 7400 artificial spawning nets for fish were installed, more than 100 tons of garbage collected. Annually, at the end of autumn, the Dnieper stocking takes place: since 2012, more than 140 thousand fish have been released into the river. In total, more than 7,000 citizens took part in the campaign.
