Zaporizhstal is the first among industrial enterprises in Zaporizhzhya to provide open access to the data of the online monitoring system of the company’s emissions

“Zaporizhstal” Steel Works of Metinvest Group is fulfilling the memorandums of joint actions in terms of environmental improvement, signed between the enterprise and Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration, as well as with Zaporizhzhya City Council. Zaporizhstal is the first among industrial enterprises in Zaporizhzhya to provide open access to the data of the online monitoring system of the emissions on the company’s official website. The data reflects the efficiency of the cleaning equipment at all modernized and new industrial units. Monitoring data is updated according to the average daily indicators of the devices.

Zaporizhstal implements the system of emissions monitoring as a part of a comprehensive program of production eco-transformation – all modernized facilities of the enterprise are equipped with control sensors at emission sources. The online monitoring system allows to control the efficiency of the gas cleaning equipment and ensure the reliability of its operation within the design parameters.

The company’s website shows the average daily performance of cleaning systems for capturing the most significant pollutant in metallurgy – dust. The monitoring system displays the operation of the process gas cleaning systems of all six sinter machines, as well as the dedusting of blast furnaces No. 3 and 4 casthouses and burden conveying area.

The indication of the online monitoring system provides for notification of the normal operation of the cleaning facilities in relation to the current emission standards, exceeding the standards, or on the calibration / repair of the online monitoring system device or the production unit to which the treatment plant belongs. For example, in parallel with the blast furnace No. 4 shutdown for major overhaul lasting 19 days, starting from May 11, 2021, the operation of dedusting plants also stopped. The monitoring system will inform about the lack of data on the operation of the BF-4 dedusting of the casthouse and burden conveying area during this period.

Since 2012, Zaporizhstal has invested more than UAH 15 billion in environmental modernization. In addition to the new gas cleaning units of the sinter plant, blast furnaces No. 2, 3, 4 were reconstructed and equipped with modern dedusting systems. An environmentally friendly hydrochloric acid pickling line was built, which made it possible to completely exclude the discharge from the cold rolling shop No. 1 in the river Dnieper and sulphuric acid vapour emissions into the atmosphere.

In 2021, Metinvest Group celebrates the 15th anniversary of its foundation. Metinvest is an international vertically integrated mining and metallurgical group of companies. Its structure includes mining and metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine, Europe and the USA, as well as a sales network in all key regions of the world. The company controls the entire production chain – from the extraction of ore and coal to the production of semi-finished products and finished products.
