The Zaporizhstal iron and steel works has been ranked number 1 in Opendatabot's 2024 ranking of Ukraine's best companies, in the "Processing industry" category.
Opendatabot, an established service that monitors registration details of Ukrainian companies and the court register, has published its 2024 Index of Ukraine's Best Companies. Metinvest Group's Zaporizhstal iron and steel works has been ranked first in the "Processing industry" category.
In compiling the index for 2024, Opendatabot analysed both the financial statements for 2023 and the business reputation of companies. In particular, sanctioned entities or businesses with owners from Russia were excluded from the list.
Aside from Zaporizhstal, eight other Metinvest Group companies have been ranked among the top 10: Kamet Steel (No.2) and Zaporizhia Coke (No.9) in the "Processing industry" category; Pokrovske Coal (No. 3), Northern GOK (No. 6), Sviato-Varvarynska Beneficiation Factory (No. 9), and Central GOK (No. 10) in the "Mining industry" category; Metinvest-SMC (No. 10) in the "Wholesale" category, and Metinvest Holding (No. 2), the Group's management company, in the "Professional, scientific and technical activity" category.
It should be mentioned that the Opendatabot index is an analytical tool that allows the actual state and geography of Ukrainian business to be assessed. It is based on information from state registers, Opendatabot's registers, financial statements of companies, sources covering connections to Russia, sanctions lists, and other analytical tools.