Metinvest Group's Zaporizhstal plant has purchased 20 modern breathing protective apparatus for specialists working in gas-hazardous work areas, as well as a device for testing breathing apparatus. The plant spent about UAH 6 million for these purposes.

Isolating regenerative compressed oxygen respirators P-30EX manufactured by DEZEGA will provide comfortable and safe working conditions for the gas rescue teams of Zaporizhstal. This is the lightest and most reliable breathing protective apparatus, which is certified by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and meets European standards.

Twenty sets of modern breathing apparatus will replace the previous generation of protective equipment and guarantee safe work in gas-hazardous areas of the sintering and blast furnace shops and other departments.

The breathing apparatus provides autonomous operation for up to four hours and is equipped with alarm devices that inform the gas rescuer when the pressure in the oxygen cylinder drops to a level where it is necessary to stop working and leave the gas hazardous area. They have a well-thought-out lightweight design and compact size, which is very important for the comfort of personnel while working in an industrial environment.

To check the serviceability of the new breathing apparatus, the plant additionally has purchased a modern DEZEGA CheckUp device. The device is connected to the apparatus and automatically tests the technical condition of the protective equipment. The results of a thorough check of the breathing apparatus are displayed on the station's electronic display, and if deviations from the standard or the slightest malfunction are detected, the devices are serviced or calibrated to the design parameters.

It should be reminded that during the full-scale war, Zaporizhstal has spent more than UAH 1.2 billion to upgrade production equipment and treatment facilities that operate as a single set. During the full-scale invasion, the programme focused on maintaining and updating equipment to ensure its stable and reliable operation in unforeseen conditions.