In August 2024, Zaporozhstal produced 259,5 ths tons of pig iron, 236,8 ths tons of steel, and shipped 214,2 ths tons of rolled steel.

From January to August 2024, 2049,0 ths t of hot metal and 1973,7 ths t of steel were produced, 1644,4 ths t of rolled products were shipped.

Indicator name Unit of measurement August 2024 January – August2024
Hot metal production volume ths t 259,5 2049,0
Steel production volume ths t 236,8 1973,7
Rolled steel production volume ths t 214,2 1644,4

In 2023, Zaporizhstal operated at an average of 70% of its capacity. In 2023, Zaporizhstal produced 2.7 million tons of iron, and 2.5 million tons of steel, and shipped over 2 million tons of rolled products.