“Zaporizhstal” Purchased Medical Equipment for Children’s Hospital No. 5


Under Zaporizhzhya Healthcare Centers Support Program, “Zaporizhstal” purchased eight new infusion pumps for the children’s multi-field hospital No. 5, for the amount of UAH 500 000.

That is how a new infusion pump, purchased by the Steel Works for young patients of the city children’s multi-field hospital No. 5, looks like.

At the premises of Zaporizhzhia Children’s Multi-field Hospital No. 5, there is a department for the youngest patients born with low weight, who come from Zaporizhzhia maternity hospitals, as well as from the city children’s hospital No. 1 and the regional perinatal center. New medical equipment will significantly improve the material and technical facilities of the anesthesiology and intensive care department for newborns.

“We inject fats, vitamins, proteins with syringe dispensers. Children weighing up to one and a half kilograms are fed by these dispensers, which reduce the burden on the small intestine. Purchasing of equipment is extremely important, because without it we cannot provide the cyclic administration of injections required for nursing preterm infants», – said Andrey Zaporozhchenko, head physician of children’s multi-field hospital No. 5.

New medical equipment is in operation.

Modern infusion syringe pumps produced by Aitecs (Lithuania) are one of the top in its type. The work of devices is controlled by electronics, which completely excludes the human factor.

Let us recall, that in December 2017 Zaporizhzhia City Council with the participation of “Zaporizhstal” Steel Works managed to purchase a modern mobile ICU for transporting newborns from maternity hospitals to the anesthesiology and intensive care department. “Zaporizhstal” transferred UAH 2.5 million and Zaporizhzhia City Council transferred UAH 1.5 million for purchase a mobile ICU with a total cost of UAH 4 million.

“Zaporizhstal” Steel Works helps Zaporizhzhia medicine on a regular basis to reach the modern level of material and technical facilities. In 2017, the Steel Works transferred UAH 3.6 million for these purposes.
