The first stage of infectious-box department of child health clinic №5 was put into service after the capital repair. ”Zaporizhsral” Steel Works rendered assistance in purchasing of new medical equipment and furniture to medical institution.

Children of age from one month to three years undergo medical treatment and rehabilitation in the department, where the repair had not been done for a long time.

– The cracks developed on the walls, and the condition of beds for children and their mothers leave much to be desired,- said Victoria Slypko, head of the department. Nowadays, the department changed completely: new made repair, new furniture and sanitary ware.

“Zaporizhstal” Steel Works allocated 3 million UAH for capital repair, and 700 thousand UAH for equipment. Dry heat boxes, physiotherapy treatment units, inhalation devices, drop infusion units, electric suction machines had been purchased for the department on the Steel Works’ account.

– We are thankful to”Zaporizhstal” Steel Works, because company rendered assistance to our hospital in such a tough time, it means, to our small citizens,- said Victoria Slypko.
