“Ask a doctor” of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation to destroy a myth about vaccination

The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation within “Ask a doctor” project continues to inform Ukrainians about the prevention and treatment of coronavirus. Experts of live broadcasts are represented by medical specialists of the country having vast experience. They answer spectators questions and tell about the latest discoveries and trends in the fight with pandemic.

The latest guest of the project was an immunologist, docent of dermatovenerology, allergology, clinical and laboratory immunology academic department of P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Doctor of Medical Science, main immunologist of the National Medical Chamber of Ukraine Oleg Nazar.

According to expert words, the following question is still actual among many Ukrainians: when can a person who has been exposed to coronavirus make vaccination?

– If a person went through the illness, then he can make vaccination approximately after three months. Or its better to do the following: in two-three months to measure a level of antibodies and if it is high, then vaccination is shifted on one or two months more. Then there will more use from vaccination, – explained Oleg Nazar.

The doctor reminded that before vaccination the person should be healthy: without increased temperature, ARVI inflammatory processes and other issues. He also told that currently there is no consensus in medical society regarding the necessity of repeated vaccination or booster vaccination:

– This is a long process and antibodies should protect us during a period of 6 – 12 months. But booster vaccination can be performed using any vaccine – it does not matter.

Oleg Nazar added, that new coronavirus strains practically dont threaten to those people, who already had the illness.

– In such case a person gets a full set of virus antigens: both membrane antigens and core antigens. But the core itself is not changing. That means, that certain proteins and antigens exist, which cannot be modified by mutations and remain in any strain. Put in other words recent illness is like a “live vaccination”, – explained immunologist.

Expert explained, why the illness can proceed variously even within one family members:

– It depends on the current condition of the immune system. There is such a term as minor immunodeficiencies. That means that one family member has stronger immunity in comparison to other members.

Over the entire period of the “Ask a Doctor” project on the digital platforms of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, its coverage has reached more than 19 million. Previously, experts of the ethers were specialists of different medicine specializations like the famous cardiac surgeon Boris Todurov; cardiologist, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, member of the European Society of Cardiology Yekaterina Amosova; psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Oleg Chaban; President of the Association of Anesthesiologists of Ukraine Sergey Dubrov and others.

You can watch videos of broadcasts with experienced practitioners on the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation’s Facebook page, as well as on YouTube.
