In accordance with implementation of a comprehensive program on modernization of sinter and blast-furnace process, “Zaporizhstal” Integrated Iron and Steel Works started overhaul repair of Blast Furnace No. 3 (BF-3) with working volume of 1513 m3. The amount of funds, allocated for repair, constitutes UAH 45 million.
The Works continues implementation of a comprehensive program on blast-furnace process modernization, which focuses on adhering to strict environmental standards and increasing energy efficiency.
In the course of repairing BF No. 3, top charger and shell will be replaced, water-cooled elements will be installed, and a complete audit of aspiration plants will be conducted. The repair is carried out by the Works’ specialists together with contractor and design organizations. About 1000 people will be involved in total.

“Blast-furnace process modernization at the Works “Zaporizhstal” is only a part of a large-scale enterprise reconstruction, suggesting significant upgrade of industrial equipment and, consequently, reduction of environmental impact,” stated the Chief Executive Officer of “Zaporizhstal” Integrated Iron and Steel Works, Rostyslav Shurma.
It bears reminding that in 2014 Blast Furnace No. 4 (BF No. 4) was put into operation after revamping, with investments constituting about UAH 600 million. The newest aspiration systems for casthouse and stockhouse were installed, and the Blast Furnace itself was switched to pulverized coal. The reconstruction project of Blast Furnace No. 4 is part of the Trilateral agreement signed between JSC “Zaporizhstal”, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, and Zaporizhzhya regional council.

“Zaporizhstal” Steel Works conducted extended overhaul repair with redesign elements of Blast Furnace No. 2 (BF No. 2) in spring of 2015. Special attention was paid to upgrading major components of aspiration system equipment. At the present time, dust elimination at the Blast Furnace conforms with European emission regulations — under 20 mg per 1 cubic meter of air. Investments into redesigning Blast Furnace No. 2 constituted about UAH 200 million.
Over the last 2 years, “Zaporizhstal” Steel Works invested about UAH 2.25 billion into ecological modernization, with over UAH 600 million in 2013 and over UAH 1,655 million in 2014. Major projects include a new Sinter Machine No. 1 with a high-efficiency gas cleaning plant, large-scale revamping of Blast Furnace No. 4 with installing aspiration systems for casthouse and stockhouse trestle, and the erection of a new pickling line at the Cold Rolling Shop. “Zaporizhstal” Steel Works is also currently conducting active erection of gas-cleaning systems at Sinter Machines No. 3-6.